For Roswell. For You.


For Roswell.

For You.

Rely On Experienced, Collaborative Leadership

In these uncertain times, we have worked throughout the pandemic to deliver results for Roswell, prioritizing public safety, everyday city services, and fiscal responsibility. Now it’s time to support our businesses and unite our community as we look to our future.

Build A Safe, Secure, Strong Community

It’s you, the residents of Roswell, who make us great. Together we can maintain and improve the quality of life we all love. Exceptional police, fire, and other essential city services, a vibrant economy, and an environment that nurtures recreation, arts, and culture make Roswell the city we love to call home.


Invest Wisely in Infrastructure and Services

We’ve invested in our homes because we love Roswell’s character and the neighborhoods where we live. I’m committed to keeping the quality of life we enjoy intact by making sure we invest wisely in needed public safety and public works facilities, traffic and street improvements, plus pedestrian and bike-friendly projects.


Preserve Roswell's History and Character

Our city’s Southern heritage and riverside location are who we are as a community; our spirit, history, and rich art, music, and cultural experiences should be celebrated. 


Revitalize the Right Places

Many of Roswell's commercial corridors are ready for revitalization. That's why encouraging economic development and attracting the right kind of business and investments to the right places in our city are highest priority. 


Vote Marie  

Roswell City Council on Tuesday, November 2


East Roswell Library

Roswell Library

Tues-Friday 10/12-10/15

Mon-Friday 10/18 - 10/29

Saturday, 10/16 & 10/23

SunDAY, 10/17 & 10/24

9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Request Absentee Ballot Here

Support Marie and our city

Events this week:


From the Earth Brewing Company

Wednesday, Sept. 1, 6-7:30 pm



For Roswell. For You.

Marie is a proud Roswell resident and small business owner committed to building the community that she loves. Her experience as a city Councilmember, and her experiences both professionally and volunteering within this city, make her the advocate that Roswell needs to prepare for its future while maintaining the things that make Roswell home.


Follow Marie


Let's Chat.

Do you have questions, ideas, or concerns about the city of Roswell that you'd like to talk about?  Would you like to volunteer or request a yard sign?  I'd love to hear from you.  Please drop me a note below with your comments.